Friday, February 15, 2008

Would I Lie to You?

Would I lie to you honey? Now, would I tell you something that wasn't true? I'm asking you sugar, would I li-i-i-i-i-ie to you?

My two week old niece Katherine really is a gorgeous baby... and here's the proof!

And now that I'm home, I'm going to go enjoy sleeping in my own bed. Happy weekend everyone!

At Least He's Not Traumatized

Son the Older was working on an English assignment last night -- his "Happy List," in which the class was assigned to list one thing that makes them happy for each year they've been alive. They were specifically directed not to list a BF / GF since the teacher said anytime that has been listed, a breakup has occurred within a week. D'oh!

So the boy-man and I were discussing the things that make him happy (geek things, broccoli-rice casserole, etc.). He got tired and leaned his head back, and I was massaging his temples when I noticed, for the first time in months, the vertical scar on his forehead (I'll have to post a pic later; it's really not visible in any other pic I've posted of him). Since he got the scar when he was three, I asked if he remembered anything about it. He said he remembered running, a lot of pain, waiting, and the nice nurse who gave him a coloring book.

Here's what really happened.

I worked at the child care center he attended, but I was away on a field trip when it happened. He was running in Miss Jill's Dalmatian room and ran straight into the metal door jamb, which stuck out from the door frame about a half inch and was exactly forehead height on him. There was a lot of blood, of course, since it was a head injury and since he was crying so hard.

My boss and good friend, Gloria the director, called my hubby at work. Now at this point in time, the child was waaaaay in north Austin, and hubby was waaaaaaaaay in south Austin, to the tune of about a 30-40 minute drive, assuming no traffic. So Gloria tells Robert the boy has been hurt. He replies, "Lisa can take care of it when she gets back from the field trip." Gloria, frustrated, says two of the things you never say to a parent: "I think he should go to the hospital. He needs stitches." She was attempting to get some sort of emotional response out of Mr. Vulcan. No dice. His response was the same: "Lisa can take care of it when she gets there."

She was a little perturbed. When I got there and discovered my injured boy sitting with her in the office, perturbed was not really what I was. I put on my best "calm but really maniacally angry" voice and called my darling husband to say, "Hello dear... you will be meeting me in the emergency room with your son. See you in 30 minutes."

I told that part to Son the Older last night, and he said, "Yyyyyyyyyeah. I don't like that voice, Mom." Yeah, kid. There's a reason for that.

Hubby did meet me in the ER ('cause duh, he's still alive), and the boy did need stitches -- internal and external -- he had sliced his head almost to the skull. They had to put him on a board and papoose him in to do the stitches, and I'm not terribly ashamed to say that I didn't do so well with that. He screamed bloody murder, and I tried to kiss his little face. The medical staff informed me that I needed to remove myself from his face so they could get their work done, and I hastily complied. They got it done pretty quickly once I was out of the way.

And when they were done, a nice nurse gave my poor traumatized boy a coloring book, which I barely remember, but which apparently made quite the impression on him.

I remember being concerned that the papoosing part of the whole ordeal would traumatize the poor kid, although I hadn't thought about it in years. I asked him if he was bothered by being restrained, and he said he didn't think so. I pointed out that he probably hadn't spent a lot of time with his arm movement restrained, and he agreed. So we jokingly put him backwards into one of his dad's jackets and I pulled the sleeves around as a modified straitjacket. Aside from being a little snug, it didn't bother him at all.

So I guess the moral of the story is kids don't traumatize as easily as we might think. And coloring books are way cool when you're three.

In Case You Haven't Heard

There is a team of bloggers in Uganda for Compassion this week.

The list of blogs is here, but my favorites are of course BooMama and Rocks in My Dryer.

If you've never thought of your own staggering wealth by virtue of being born in a first-world country, please consider that if you own a home and a car, you are among the world's 5% wealthiest. Yep, you and Bill Gates aren't as far apart as you assumed.

Go look at some of the pictures and see how you and your family and friends aren't living. It's humbling. Then consider what you're doing with your wealth. Even if you don't sponsor a child through Compassion (and I have in the past, although I'm not currently), it's enough to make you look at your expenditures. Or just cry either at the poverty these children live in, or the joy on their faces despite their circumstances.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam et erat ac lacus volutpat adipiscing. Morbi vitae dolor. Integer sagittis nisl eget nisl. Donec tempus aliquet magna. Ut sed massa. Donec in quam ac erat sagittis rhoncus. Praesent a libero. Integer placerat turpis ac dolor. Curabitur sagittis, dolor ac euismod tincidunt, elit mi laoreet arcu, ac pharetra velit tortor at tellus. Suspendisse quis diam ac nunc nonummy mollis. In et ipsum. Mauris eget nibh. Duis ac enim id metus euismod feugiat.

Nam eu ante eget urna placerat fringilla. Morbi risus sapien, feugiat rhoncus, egestas at, posuere sit amet, dui. Cras consequat fringilla lacus. Nam vulputate. Suspendisse id libero. Proin faucibus diam quis enim. Quisque lobortis. Ut leo enim, auctor ac, vehicula vel, consectetuer eu, nibh. Sed placerat urna auctor velit condimentum pellentesque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer lacus. Vivamus commodo diam ac eros. Donec iaculis gravida nisi.

Sed nisl eros, congue vitae, pellentesque vitae, viverra eu, dui. Donec sit amet odio. Praesent convallis vehicula sapien. Integer fringilla turpis pulvinar leo. Donec sodales velit vehicula libero. Aliquam tincidunt vulputate felis. Nunc aliquam sollicitudin justo. Proin nonummy ante in mauris. Nulla varius erat a felis. Proin eget felis.

Sed at mauris. Praesent massa lacus, lacinia et, ullamcorper quis, blandit quis, nisi. Aliquam et augue. Morbi sed libero vel metus tempus sagittis. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse est ligula, egestas ut, tincidunt at, rutrum ut, neque. Nulla sem. Nulla non dui feugiat neque blandit nonummy. Proin est turpis, pharetra ut, malesuada vitae, sodales ut, magna. Sed faucibus consequat tellus. Sed nunc mauris, aliquet eu, viverra eget, luctus vitae, leo. Proin in ante. Donec nibh odio, iaculis nec, volutpat quis, lacinia non, lectus.

Aenean commodo. Pellentesque consequat mi quis quam. Integer tristique sagittis nulla. Donec non tellus quis dui ultrices condimentum. Nullam nunc neque, luctus a, bibendum eu, malesuada eu, augue. Mauris sem nulla, nonummy vitae, mattis a, semper hendrerit, tellus. Maecenas pulvinar, lorem eu scelerisque ullamcorper, nibh massa mollis purus, ac semper lorem urna egestas odio. Sed nunc tortor, tincidunt non, rhoncus ullamcorper, consectetuer sit amet, turpis. Etiam risus orci, lobortis sed, malesuada a, viverra at, tortor. Integer aliquam. Nulla diam elit, posuere sed, tincidunt non, placerat in, nulla.